Alocasia Purple Sword boasts spectacular, sword-like leaves and vivid colors that will add beauty to your indoor plant collection. But like all plants, Alocasia Purple Sword can run into problems from time to time that negatively impact their health — one of the most common being yellowing leaves. Alocasia yellowing leaves may indicate a number of different problems causing issues below the surface such as watering, nutrient or environmental stress. Knowing the cause of this mulishness is essential to bringing your plant back into other conditions and helping it to solution.
In this article, we will go through the most common reasons why are your Alocasia Purple Sword leaves turning yellow and practical solutions to fix each cause. While it may take a little while to repair the damage done, with some proper care your Alocasia Purple Sword should be back up and running full of life before long.
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What Makes The Leaves Of Alocasia Purple Sword Turn Yellow?
The first sign that your Alocasia Purple Sword is stressed will often be the leaves begin yellowing. There are many causes that can lead to this condition, including over-watering and a lack of light. The first step in the treatment process is to identify its origin.
Mistake No. 1: Overwatering
Alocasia — Overwatering is the nemesis of Alocasia plants. Roots want to breathe just like you, and overwatering can suffocate them. This condition is called root rot, and it occurs when roots are so damaged that they cannot effectively absorb nutrients, resulting in yellow leaves. Let your Alocasia soil dry between waterings and ensure that it drains really well.
Underwatering and Its Effects
Excess moisture can damage your plant but a lack of it may also create yellow leaves. Alocasia Purple Sword can also show signs of dehydration if they are not receiving enough water, which will cause the leaves to yellow. Keep watering your plant well, especially in the active growth period.
Improper Light Exposure
The Best Place: Alocasia Purple Sword – Light Requirements Alocasia PurpleSword does best in bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can burn its leaves, while lower light areas will sicken the plant and cause yellowing. If you think that your plant is not getting enough light, try moving it somewhere brighter but out of direct sun.
Nutrient Deficiencies
One of the most common known and easy to be recognised situations is nutrient deficiencies, which in turn may be taken as yellow leaves (commonly nitrogen-deficiency, magnesium- or iron-high toxicities). Nutrient deficiencies are also a possibility that could stop your plant from making enough chlorophyll and the yellow leaves follows. To overcome such deficiencies like these a balanced water soluble fertilizer can be used.
Cold(Hot) Temperature Stress
When it comes to temperature the Alocasia is fajita. Your plant can experience extreme stress that often leads to yellowing leaves if it is subjected to cold drafts or very high temperatures. Alocasia care guide: Currently, consider the temperature level that your Alocasia will certainly dictate it continues to be entirely steady in between 65-80 ° F (18-27 ° C) as well as shields it from any type of temperature-induced anxiety.
Pests and Insects
In some cases, yellowing leaves is actually a sign of being invaded by pests. Spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs are among the most common perpetrators that suck nutrients from the leaves, causing discoloration. Check your Alocasia on a regular basis for pests, and apply an insecticidal soap or neem oil.
Humid Days: The Right Amount
The Alocasia Purple Sword has a preference for high humidity levels. Leaves will yellow and curl if the air in your home is too dry. Mist the leaves from time to time or use a humidity-causing tray, room humidifier.
Pot Size and Root Health
High-alocasia plants require more space for egicular movement. Root Bound: If it has become root bound, the roots cannot draw in water and nutrients as they should, resulting in yellow leaves. If the roots are pot-bound, repot your Alocasia into a bigger pot.
Soil Quality and Drainage
Root Issues & Yellowing Leaves develop when poor soil type is used, or if drainage is subpar. Keep your Alocasia in quality potting soil that is well-draining and slightly acidic. Simply use a cactus or succulent mix and amend it with perlite or sand for drainage.
Consistent Cutting Back for New Growth
In some cases, yellow leaves are simply a result of the botanical equivalent of old age. Trimming off ancient, yellow leaves can encourage the growth of new, healthy foliage. Trim away broken leaves with scissors that are tidy and pointed.
Consistency in Watering and Feeding
Regular watering and feeding (in season) also set up the best environment for good health in your Alocasia Purple Sword. Try to water the plant only when the top one soil inch is dry, and feed it every month during growing season with a balanced fertilizer.
Why You Should Repot Alocasia Purple Sword
It takes plenty of time for the roots to take hold but repotting once every 1-2 years can help to freshen and replace soil. Use a well-draining potting soil and pick a pot that is 1-2 inches bigger in diameter than the current one.
Observation and Monitoring
Watch for signs that your plant is uncomfortable or stressed. When leaves begin to yellow, it is a sign that something is wrong and since this can be the first symptom of many different problems, early recognition of this condition is important so proper treatments can be started.
When to See a Professional
If you have checked for every possible issue and your Alocasia Purple Sword has yellow leaves, it might be time to call in the professionals or a plant expert. If you are constantly having these problems, then you will need expert help to identify and cure the plant.
Knowing alocasia purple sword yellow leaves causes and root problem, followed by the right care measures can save you time for maintaining a good healthy vibrant plant. As long as you are careful with watering, lighting conditions, humidity and nutrients, your Alocasia will develop very nicely and continue to be a big presence in your indoor garden.